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A Visit With Author... E. A. West

Today, I'm looking forward to sharing a visit with my friend, 
E.A. West 
author of 
a wonderful book that you can find out more about by clicking on Lilly's Book Club link where I will be posting my review. But first, let's see if she will share a little bit about how she works, and how she comes up with such engaging characters...

Well, E.A., I know what's first on the top of my mind, and here it is... Writing is hard work! In a competitive industry, too, and you end up spending a lot of time alone. That said, what is it that keeps you going? What do you like best about writing?

I love creating new characters and coming up with plots. It is so much fun to take a character or two and ponder “What if...” Then I toss them in the scenario and see what happens. Can you tell outlines and I don’t get along? I think getting to see the story develop just as a reader would, although with a few more insights into where the story is headed, is so much more exciting than knowing exactly what is going to happen next as I write.

What are the tools of your trade? Are there any particular computer programs you use when writing?

For the actual writing, I use Microsoft Word. While working on a story idea, however (and sometimes during the writing process), I also use Mozilla Firefox. There are times when an idea for the story or the characters will come to mind and I need to do a quick bit of research before I write another sentence. Google has become one of my best friends over the years.

The Key to Charlotte has one of the most unique plots for a romance I’ve ever seen. Why did you write this particular book?

The idea originally came to me because I was trying to come up with a way to show autism from the inside. By writing an autistic heroine, I hope to give readers a glimpse into the mind of an autistic, albeit a fictional one. I had to rely a lot on my own experiences and emotions as an autistic adult in order to realistically write Charlotte, so it’s almost like sharing a piece of myself, although I’m nothing like Charlotte and nearly all of the details are the product of my imagination.

Which really worked out beautifully. Now, I can’t wait to see what comes next. What manuscript are you working on right now?

Right now, I’m doing a final read-through and revision on a sweet romance that involves kilts, a redhead, and a golden retriever mix. Once that’s submitted, which should be soon, I have an inspirational time travel romance and a sweet romantic suspense waiting for attention.

All kinds of good stuff to look forward to! You seem so comfortable with where you’re going in this business, E.A.. What advice encouraged you most along your writer's journey?

Write what you know, but don’t be afraid to learn something new so you can write about it. When I first started writing, I heard “write what you know” from a lot of people. The trouble was that the ideas I had usually involved elements I had very little or no knowledge of. Then I met another author who had trouble with “write what you know” as well. His theory was that you should write what you know when you can, but if you want to write something you don’t already know, go learn about it. If you want to get technical about it, once you’ve done the research you’re still writing what you know. What it all comes down to in my mind is that you should write the story that’s on your heart regardless of whether you already have the knowledge you need to write it or you have to do some research before you begin.

I couldn’t agree with you more. Now, just for fun, what does your dream "writing room" look like?

Lots of bookshelves line the walls. A desk with plenty of workspace sits near a large window that overlooks fields and/or woods. A comfortable couch occupies one corner — every author needs a place to dream up the next plot or to figure out how to get the characters from point A to point B, right? Most of the light in the room is natural, coming through windows and skylights, and a glass sliding door opens onto a deck for outdoor writing or taking a break on nice days. There are a few houseplants scattered around the room, but they are all hard-to-kill plants like air ferns and cacti. I have a bad habit of forgetting to water things in pots. 

It sounds absolutely wonderful, and here’s hoping you have exactly that someday. In the meantime, where can your readers find you if they want to stop by for a visit?

My website is 
and my blog is at
If you’re on Facebook, I post periodic updates from my writing life on my author page 
I’m also on Twitter 
and ShoutLife 

I’m so glad you stopped by to visit with me today, E.A. West. It’s been fun catching a glimpse of how you think, and the things you think about. Here’s wishing you much success with The Key to Charlotte, and many more successes in the future. 

Thanks for a great interview, Lilly! It’s always a pleasure to spend time with my fellow Pelican Book Group authors.