Lilly Maytree is in Alaska today...

Lilly Maytree is in Alaska, today...looking for adventure and divine appointments. Want to follow along? Enter her ARMCHAIR TRAVELERS PORTAL


A Visit From Friends…

Today I have had a wonderful surprise visit from my own dear writing family. All of them at once, and all with glowing things to say about my new venture. What's more, they even offered to pitch in and help me with the coming launch of GOLD TRAP (the first book with my name on it), even to the point of inviting friends from their own various circles to be present here on that special day. I couldn't be more pleased.

But there is so much to do before then, and we all sat down for one of our old brainstorming sessions to figure out best how to get everything done. Of course, I made it quite clear that it could not all be about me. There had to be something here for everyone to enjoy. Which is why I was absolutely amazed (and honored) that the Professor offered to bring an example of his new alternative energy invention. Which has little to do with gold or traps… but in a way, it does. It's certainly all a mystery to me. He plans on an actual demonstration that will…

Oh, but I'll let him explain all that when he comes back. He had to leave early because of an urgent call that the children had taken over the lab, again. Leaving the rest of us to discuss decorations and refreshments for the coming big day. All very necessary. Still… things tend to seem rather lifeless when he leaves a room.

A state only getting busy with work will help.

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