Lilly Maytree is in Alaska today...

Lilly Maytree is in Alaska, today...looking for adventure and divine appointments. Want to follow along? Enter her ARMCHAIR TRAVELERS PORTAL


Catching Up With Things...

While the Captain and I have been out and about looking at boats from one end of this state to the other, in our continuing search for the GLORY B., a lot has been going on in in my writing world, as well. Not the least of which is an introduction to author, Lynn Dove, and her YA novels known as the Wounded Trilogy. I love young people. So, anytime I come across books I think they might enjoy, I like to speak up about them.

While I haven't read these myself, yet, (I've added them to my summer reading list) I've got a bit of an interview with Lynn Dove and something about the books over on LILLY'S BOOK CLUB page. So, if you have young people in your life (or, have ever been one, yourself) you might like to paddle on over there and have a look.

Meanwhile, happy Tuesday, dear readers. I'm off to catch up with paperwork so I can head out for another adventure, tomorrow. Possibly even a significant one.

I'll let you know how it goes!

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