Lilly Maytree is in Alaska today...

Lilly Maytree is in Alaska, today...looking for adventure and divine appointments. Want to follow along? Enter her ARMCHAIR TRAVELERS PORTAL


Some Summer Pastimes...

It's "Video Log Friday" on my ARMCHAIR TRAVELERS PORTAL, dear readers. So, if you have time, paddle on over and catch up on what the Captain and I have been doing all week while we're out here in the Pacific Northwest. Meanwhile, have a blessed weekend, and I'll be back in touch on Monday.

Oh, yes... and if you need a good book to read on any of your own summer travels, there are a lot of good interviews and reviews over on LILLY'S BOOK CLUB page you might enjoy looking over. Not to mention some great ones lined up for July!

Question: Do you read more during the summer, or less?

Just wondering.

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