Lilly Maytree is in Alaska today...

Lilly Maytree is in Alaska, today...looking for adventure and divine appointments. Want to follow along? Enter her ARMCHAIR TRAVELERS PORTAL


What's The Mystery?

We're off, dear readers, on the second leg of the MYSTERY TOUR, on a trail to the Rocky Mountains. What's the mystery? The answer is in our first ever video log, over at the ARMCHAIR TRAVELERS PORTAL (which you can still sign up for if you would like to travel along). Meanwhile, in honor of GOLD TRAP (my tale of high adventure and divine appointment) we are following a gold trail to some very mysterious places from which I will be bringing back souvenirs for contest winners. 

What kind of contest? Solving mysteries, of course. One for each destination of our journey. First stop, Victor, Colorado, where we will explore some back roads and local legends of lost treasure. Some of which are true, while others aren't. The trick is figuring out which ones. The first that caught my eye is called "The Ten Cent Treasure." If you can track down this legend and tell me whether it is true or false, I'll put your name in the Captain's Hat for the first drawing. You will get a Rocky Mountain Souvenir if you win this one, but more details on that, later.

During the MYSTERY TOUR, I'll be updating this blog on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so, stay tuned. Oh, yes, and anyone who sends out the troops if I get lost will get a reward. 

Do you think this is a good idea, or what?

See you on Monday!



    The U.S. mint lost wagon loads of dimes. They would be pretty well oxidized by now--but you go girl. It would be a hoot to track some down!

  2. That one definitely caught my attention, Carol, and I was all set to go looking for dimes (not just any dimes, Seated Liberty Dimes, which can be worth up to a thousand dollars apiece, so they really are a treasure). But there is one little glitch I haven't quite been able to get around...

    The Denver mint didn't start putting out dimes until 1906 (years after the accident), and by that time, they mostly used the railroads to ship. However, there have been recoveries of dimes along the Gunnison River over the years, so the two schools of thought are still debatable.

    Which is why this mystery is still alluring to me.
